See No, Hear No, Know No

"Choose words wisely before they leak.
 Circulate truth, not gossip in the streets.
 Take a permanent break from bragging routines.
 Noticeable actions shall be seen. . ."
One Single Rose®️ 

Stop by my Reverbnation page
Listen to pieces of my work, 
become a fan and stay connected!
One Single Rose®️ WARNING:

"Do not be afraid or discouraged.
 Loiter amongst bushes contemplating appropriate medleys.
 Proceed with care–
thorns may scuff or pierce while pruning angles.
 A vibrant display develops after toiling in earth and heat,
 so exquisite labor takes a back seat to its splendor.
 Pasts forgotten, 
the perfect time to move forward is NOW!
 A journey begins from precious bud to full blooms of feathery petals
 that whisk away with wind.
 Exist and learn to adapt loving every single minute . . .


One Single Rose®️ 
Light You Up ft. Queen Rose and Amy Douglas 

One-Woman Black Girl Magic by
One Single Rose®️ featured in Episode 22 of the award-winning web series
 Everything I Did Wrong in My 20’s


​One Single Rose®️ Commercial